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Mrs. Connie Cislo honored at the Aruba Marriott Surf Club PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 10 April 2014 15:44
Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure of honoring a very lovely lady who is a loyal and friendly Visitor of Aruba, at the Marriott Surf Club as Ambassador of Goodwill. The symbolic honorary titles are presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 20 or more consecutive years.
The honoree were Mrs. Connie Cislo from Linden MI. Mrs. Cislo is a loyal member of the Marriott Surf Club and she loves Aruba very much because of the friendly people, the climate, beaches, restaurants, and being on Aruba and staying at the Surf Club is like being home for her and her family. The certificates were presented by Mr. Ernest Giel representing the Aruba Tourism Authority together with Connie’s daughter in law and 2 of her grandchildren and Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt and Mr. Joop Bangma  GM at the Marriott Surf Club.


Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure of honoring a very lovely lady who is a loyal and friendly Visitor of Aruba, at the Marriott Surf Club as Ambassador of Goodwill.

The symbolic honorary titles are presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 20 or more consecutive years.The honoree were Mrs. Connie Cislo from Linden MI. Mrs. Cislo is a loyal member of the Marriott Surf Club and she loves Aruba very much because of the friendly people, the climate, beaches, restaurants, and being on Aruba and staying at the Surf Club is like being home for her and her family. The certificates were presented by Mr. Ernest Giel representing the Aruba Tourism Authority together with Connie’s daughter in law and 2 of her grandchildren and Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt and Mr. Joop Bangma  GM at the Marriott Surf Club.

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